European Destinations of Excellence

EDEN is the English acronym for “European Destinations of ExcelleNce”, a project which since 2006 promotes models of Sustainable Tourism in the European Union. Its main aims are to create a platform for the interchange of the best practices related to sustainable tourism, to promote the creation of networks among those destinations that are members of the EU and the adoption of models of development of sustainable tourism by new touristic destinations.

The topic chosen for 2013 was “Accessible Tourism”. The topics are useful to highlight the different aspects and values of new touristic destinations in the European Union and they are always related in a way or another to the sustainable development, not only from the cultural point of view but also from economic, local or environmental ones.

Linares is already an official member of the European Destinations of Excellence, by means of the signing of the Declaration of Brussels as member of the network. This admission in the European Destinations of Excellence is another award to the responsible and planned touristic management by the Tourism Department of the City Council. Furthermore, it means going a step forward in the Accessible Tourism Strategy named “Linares for everyone”, which is part of the political plan designed the previous year ?based on the complete development of the destiny under the concept of Universal Accessibility, concerning urban development, construction, transport, communication, leisure time and tourism.

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